CHHS Electronic Device Policy
Personal Devices
During instructional class periods, students are not permitted to use personal electronic devices, such as cell phones, wireless headphones, and smartwatches.
Supporting this policy, the following will occur:
Announce - Daily: the teacher will announce and remind students to put their phones away.
Warn - Daily: when needed.
Hold—Ask students to put their phones in a safe place (your desk, a locked cabinet, a cute box, etc.) until the end of the period.
Call Home - To discuss with parents and guardians if inappropriate use persists.
Referral for Student Support - If inappropriate use is persistent and distracting to the learning.
Click here for Appropriate Use Policy
SDUSD Board Policy H-6980
Possession and Use of Cellular Telephones and Other Electronic Signaling Devices
Student possession and use of cellular phones, pagers and other electronic signaling devices on school campuses and school buses, at school-sponsored activities and while under the supervision and control of school district employees is permitted under the circumstance described herein.
All students may use these devices on campus before school begins and after school ends. Students in high school grades 9-12 also may use such devices during the lunch period.
These devices must be kept out of sight and turned off during the instructional program. Unauthorized use of such devices disrupts the instructional program and distracts from the learning environment. Therefore unauthorized use is grounds for confiscation of device by school officials, including classroom teachers. Repeated unauthorized use of such devices may lead to disciplinary action.
Approved 12-03. Related Procedure 6270; Emergency Procedure 15.